
Examples Of Doppelganger In Dr Jekyll And Mr

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Doppelganger Dilemma: Conflict between good and evil in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde In Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson explores the theme of doppelganger. A survey of doppelganger examples leads one to conclude that this literary device serves a variety of purposes in literature. It may be used to show the “other self” of a character, which he or she has not discovered yet. This “other self” could be the darker side of the character that troubles, or the brighter side that motivates. Hence, the use of doppelganger helps writers to portray complex characters. In the novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are both run by the same mind and inhabit the same physical body, even though their appearance alters. Nevertheless, Jekyll …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Hyde is an evil double of the honorable Dr. Jekyll. Jekyll creates Hyde by scientific experiments, to prove his statement: “… man is not truly one, but truly two.” He means that the human soul is a mixture of evil and good, and Hyde is the manifestation of the evil that existed in Dr. Jekyll. As a respectable Victorian gentleman, Jekyll can never fulfill the evil desires existing in him. Therefore, he separates his “evil-self,” giving him a separate identity. However, as Vladimir Nabokov explains in an introduction to the Signet Classic version of the book, "[Jekyll] is a composite being, a mixture of good and bad...[and] Jekyll is not really transformed into Hyde but projects a concentrate of pure evil that becomes Hyde” (Stevenson 60). Unfortunately, rather than separating and equalizing these forces of good and evil, Jekyll's potion only allows his purely evil side to gain strength. Jekyll is in fact a combination of good and evil, but Hyde is only pure evil. Thus, there is never a way to strengthen or separate Jekyll's pure goodness. Without counterbalancing his evil identity, Jekyll allows Hyde to grow increasingly strong, and eventually take over entirely, perhaps entirely destroying all the pure goodness Jekyll ever …show more content…

Jekyll is increasingly unable to control his alter ego; his identity becomes fragmented into Jekyll and Hyde, and then the Hyde personality begins to manifest itself unexpectedly. The id, as manifested in the persona of Hyde, requires ever more extreme forms of repression (such as a complete suppression of this identity through Jekyll’s refusal to take the drug that causes the transformation). The most extreme form of repression is self-annihilation, as readers see when Jekyll kills himself to repress Hyde. This is expressed greatly in the

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