
Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

Decent Essays

Lamb to the Slaughter In the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” Dahl uses various literary devices to produce suspense and humor. Three of the devices used are foreshadowing, irony, and allusions. Additionally, Dahl used situational and dramatic irony as literary devices in “Lamb to the Slaughter”. An example of dramatic irony used in the story is when Mrs. Maloney requests that the police eat the murder weapon, the frozen lamb leg. The author says, “It’d be a favor to me if you’d eat it up” (Dahl). This expresses dramatic irony because the police think she is asking them to eat the lamb to be polite, but in reality Mrs. Maloney just wanted to get rid of the murder weapon. An example of situational irony used is when Mary Maloney kills her husband with a frozen lamb leg because she was displayed as a loving wife who was obsessed with her husband and his happiness, but then she shocks the reader by killing him. The author states, “At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head” (Dahl). …show more content…

The story says, "And as he spoke, he did an unusual thing. He lifted his glass and drained it in one swallow although there was still half of it...He got up and went slowly over to fetch himself another...When he came back, she noticed that the new drink was dark amber with the quantity of whiskey in it"(Dahl). Dahl is foreshadowing dark things to come because he is illustrating Mr. Maloney as tense and uncomfortable. Another literary device used is allusion. An allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. Dahl uses the allusion from the Bible about slaughtering a lamb, and in the Bible a lamb symbolizes innocence, but in the story Mrs. Maloney uses a frozen lamb leg to kill her husband, which in fact, isn’t

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