
Examples Of Dynamic Characters In A & P

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Dynamic Characters Sammy from “A&P” was originally distracted when three girls came into the store he worked at. Sammy was in the middle of checking out the “cash-register-watcher” and did not want anything to do with the girls, but as soon as his co-workers started add specifics about what happened the girls Sammy stands up for the girls by quitting his job. He observed the girls and thought; he really examined the “queen” she in a way set an example for how they should act. When Sammy’s manager Lengal comes in he says, “Girls, this isn’t the beach,”(21). He continued to repeat this as if he thought it was a funny joke. He was taking pleasure in correcting them and telling them that they were not dressed appropriately to be in the store, but at the beach. One of the girls spoke up …show more content…

We just came in for one thing”(22). Lengal responded with “That makes no difference… ‘We want you decently dressed when you come in here.’” He continued saying, “After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s our policy.” In the story it is clear that there was never a policy at A&P that stated that customers must have their shoulders covered. Lengal did not determine the policies himself, but he did not even have any say in policies because the “kingpins” put the policies into place. The girls rushed to leave the store to get away from the rude comments of the manager. Sammy turns to his manger and quits and mentions, “You didn’t have to embarrass them”(23). And Lengal responds with, “It was they who were embarrassing us” (23). When he rushes out the girls are nowhere in site. When he quit he knew that his parents would be disappointed in him, he does it anyway. He did this for one of three reasons; he was already fed up with the job and this was his final straw, he was trying to make a statement to these girls that he was their “hero”, and he did not appreciate his manager acting this way when he is supposed to help bring people in, not make them not want

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