
Examples Of Environmental Racism

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Environmental justice is the notion that communities should have nondiscriminatory treatment and involvement regardless of race and socioeconomic status in land development, implementation, waste management and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. It is imperative for environmental justice to exist so communities of color are not a part of inequitable housing, waste or toxin dumping, and are able to access information and vote against environmentally racist actions. Environmental racism is the location of low-income or minority communities in vicinity of environmentally harmful environments. In other words, the idea of environmental racism is the knowledge that non-whites are disproportionately exposed to pollution. Studying environmental racism is essential not only to conclude if equalities exist, but to help better comprehend racism. For Laura Pulido, environmental racism is larger than discriminatory acts, and believes there are new insights to the subject, predominantly its spatiality. By limiting the definition of racism to only malicious acts, racial inequalities that are not ascribed directly to aggression cannot be recognized. …show more content…

Nancy Wride of the Los Angeles Times reports on the apparent environmental racism happening in Compton Creek, a creek located within Los Angeles. Wride investigates that there has been illegal dumping of waste into the Compton Creek, which leads to the Los Angeles River, and eventually the ocean. As a way to give California inmates a productive work detail, the Los Angeles sheriff’s department used those charged with misdemeanors the duty to clean the creek. While city agencies and the Army Corps agreed to pitch in for the clean-up, the question remained as to why the sheriff’s department was leading a clean-up when the creek was supposed to be federally regularly

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