
Examples Of Envy In The Prodigal Son

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Envy, one of the seven deadly sins, fuels many everyday reactions. It is a very common feeling and no one is immune to it. The feeling is natural and felt after you see someone with what you perceive as better traits, abilities, or status. Envy is felt by the older son in the parable of the Prodigal Son when the father throws the younger, rash son a feast upon his return. This is shortly after the younger son has left his father’s house and wasted his inheritance on trivial things. The father forgives him and this angers the elder son even more. It sparks envy and the older son berates the father. The father surprisingly shows more mercy and doesn’t react negatively to the elder son, but instead forgives him. The Prodigal Son is a parable that Luke wrote while in Syria that tells us about God’s forgiveness. …show more content…

A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Parables teach using examples from everyday life. Some examples of parables include those such as the lost sheep, the sower and the seeds, and the rich fool. These parables were written long ago and as a result, today's society aren't able to relate to the everyday actions of the past as society once was able to relate, but we are still able to learn from them. The events that occur in parables are often used elsewhere in the bible, this is called typology. Some examples of typology in the Prodigal Son are Joseph being lost and found by his family and Moses being lost and being found by his

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