
Examples Of Euthanasia In The Giver

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Euthanasia vs. United States Is killing ever compassionate? If someone is struggling with a sickness that will kill them, and they don't want to live anymore then it would be okay to end their life. The Giver is about a community that claims to be a utopia. Jonas, the main character lives in a family unit with his sister, mom, and dad. He is chosen as the next receiver of the community and carries all of the people's memories. This novel promotes the practice of euthanasia as shown through the killing of newchildren, healthy old people and those who have broken rules.
In The Giver, new children that are twins, or that are born unhealthy, are sent to elsewhere. When twins are born into the community, the one that weighs less is disposed of. "Well, they can't have two identical people around! Think how confusing it would be!" (pg.3). In the US babies are under life support is they are unhealthy. In a way this is not humane because the doctors are keeping the parents hopes up and the baby would have a very hard life or not live past a year. The decision about the child’s life should be up to the parents. The decision to keep the baby on life support is theirs to make. Parents usually keep both of their twins. This is humane because if they are both healthy and the parents can support them, then they should be able to take …show more content…

The old are released in The Giver. Instead of letting them die naturally, The council chooses to kill them, as not to cause panic to the community when said person could potentially die at any given moment. This seems like a sad and wrong thing to do because what if they could live another five years while maintaining a healthy lifestyle? In the United States the old are usually let to pass naturally unless they are severely suffering and get no joy out of life, except for those situations, They should die as naturally as

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