
Examples Of External Conflict In Everyday Use

Decent Essays

1- Maggie has many internal and external conflicts within the story. A main internal conflict would be that Maggie being jealous of Dee. Maggie and Dee are sisters, Maggie is jealous of Dee because she was not burned in the house fire. Maggie’s sister, Dee, did not get burned because she was safely out of the house near a gum tree. Maggie is jealous because, due to her burns, she won’t be able to do some of the things that Dee has gotten to experience. Maggie is rife with jealousy and awe of Dee because she is a family favorite and is successful in her travels away from home. Maggie feels, “...ashamed of the burns scars down her arms and legs…”, and thinks that she would not get the same opportunities as Dee was given.
Maggie's’ main internal conflict of being jealous of Dee is purely suggested on comparing on how Maggie …show more content…

Maggie’s external conflict was being burned by a house fire , “I can still hear the flames and feel Maggie’s arms sticking to me…”. zero 35 minutes late

2- Similar to Maggie, Dee has internal and external conflicts as well. Dee’s most obvious external conflict would be the new Dee, Wangero, and her idea of heritage. Dee is involved with this external conflict when she told Mama and Maggie that they would never understand their heritage, even though Dee did not fully understand her heritage herself. Dee’s mind set is all on using her family's heirlooms, the quilt and butter churn, as artifacts in a display. Dee and Mama’s conversation showed how much Dee really appreciated the quilt, “ well, I said, stumped. “What would you do with them?” ... “ Hang

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