
Examples Of Family In The Book Thief

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Most people say that blood runs thicker than water, but in this novel that is not the case. In The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, family is shown in an extremely unique point of view. Generally, when people imagine the average model family, they see a family that has money, a family that is prim and proper and usually, a family that is biologically related. Though, family in this novel is based on shared hardships and having faith in each other, not by blood relation.

Hans and Liesel’s relationship is a great example of trust. This is because even though Hans and Liesel are not blood related, they have this extremely strong father-daughter bond which is based on them having immense trust in each other. On page 497 it shows how much Hans means to Liesel. It says, “ ‘Papa. Papa’ She must have said it a hundred times as she hugged him in the kitchen and wouldn’t let go.” This is showing that, as Hans was in Stuttgart, Liesel missed him terribly. So when she was told he was coming home, she was ecstatic. When she opened the door, she attacked him with a hug …show more content…

In The Book Thief, there were many relationships that proved this. Liesel’s relationships with Hans, Rosa and Max proved that even though these people weren’t biologically related to her, they were still her family. As I stated above, many people say that blood runs thicker than water but this saying is misquoted. The original saying is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” This means that chosen relationships are often stronger than relationships based only on the fact that you are biologically related to the other person. Hans and Hans Junior’s relationship proved that even though they are biologically related to each other, doesn’t mean that they consider each other as

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