
Family : The Important Role Of Family In The Family

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If we talk about Christianity point of view Holy bible lays down “Wives submit yourself into your own husbands as unto the Lord.”
“For the husband; is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church and he is the savior of the body?”
“Therefore, as the Church is subject to Christ, so let the wives to be their husbands in everything.”
Family is the initial force of security for human personality and vital characteristic in their survival, security, health, schooling and growth. Family brings a sense of emotional bonding, socialization and care. Family values include ideas like: respect for parental authority, stability in marriages, chastity before and outside marriage and care for the elderly.
The word “family” is often used in connection with a person’s ancestry. Most families are based on kinship. Members belong to the family through birth, marriage, or adoption. Family plays the most vital role in our daily life and family is the finest thing that you can ever desire for. It’s the family who assists their child in hardships of life and give affection no matter what happens. Human personality reflects on what his /her family status is and what their families have taught them.
Family is a group of people who live together to support each other in good and bad times. The main role of family in the lives of human is to develop in them a sense of security

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