
Examples Of Figurative Language In Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

The importance of having an audience connect with characters in literature is how the audience can understand what language the characters are using to convey what they are trying to say about someone or a general theme in an emotional way. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the point of the plot in the passage is that it takes place in the time Romeo is expressing his emotions when he meets Juliet in the masquerade party for the first time. Shakespeare incorporates figurative language to portray how Romeo shows his feelings for Juliet by comparing and personifying her to other objects by using simile and personification. Shakespeare uses figurative language to enhance Romeo’s feelings for someone else by using precise word choice to convey his meaning behind how the …show more content…

Shakespeare uses figurative language in the form of personification to show how Romeo is representing Juliet in general by stating, “O, doth teach the torches to burn bright!” (I.v.51) Shakespeare uses this literary device to convey to the audience on how Romeo is personifying torches by saying that Juliet is that beautiful that she can glow more than the torches can burn bright but can’t literally teach torches to burn really bright. Personification helps the audience get a sense of how Romeo represents his thoughts to Juliet with a specific personified object that helps the audience know what he is trying to personify. Another instance where Shakespeare uses figurative language is in the form of a simile to depict how Romeo compares Juliet’s beauty by saying,“It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night as a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear”

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