
Examples Of Foils In Macbeth

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Throughout literature, characters with contrasting personality traits tend to foil each others character traits and put them under spotlight. The play Macbeth by Shakespeare takes place during the middle ages in Scotland in a castle that Macbeth wrongfully took. Macbeth becomes an evil person by his real traits and William Shakespeare used the other characters to foil him in order to make this happen. In Macbeth, Macbeth has many foils including Lady Macbeth, Banquo, and Macduff who highlight the themes of ambition and revenge through the traits of dominance v. weakness, disloyalty v. loyalty, and savagery v. civility. Lady Macbeth pays an enormous toll in Macbeth to foil her husband through the traits of dominance v. weakness . In the beginning of the play, Macbeth becomes the Thane of Cawdor, and met three witches which …show more content…

loyalty. Banquo and Macbeth both know about the prophecies the witches told about Macbeth becoming king. Even though Banquo's children are the heir to the throne, Banquo disregards it. According to Hacht, “Banquo believes Macbeth is still his friend, despite knowing what the prophecies say. This trust leaves him vulnerable. Macbeth arranges the murder of Banquo” (Hacht). This causes Macbeth to take an advantage of him because of Banquo’s vulnerability and Macbeth’s disloyalty. Banquo is the first to be suspicious of the murder of King Duncan and the possibilities that Macbeth had committed it. In Act One Macbeth explains “the prince of Cumberland. That is a step/ On which I must fall down or else o’erleap, For in my way it lies” right in front of Banquo (1.4.55-57). Macbeth is saying he finds Malcolm like an obstacle that he needs to overcome right in front of Banquo but stays loyal and continues to disregard. This is how Banquo represents such a strong impact upon Macbeth’s traits that prove he is disloyal and

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