
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Throughout the novel Night, we follow Elie Wiesel through his horrific experience while in Auschwitz. While in Auschwitz, Elie goes through terrible beatings as well as seeing many sights one could not possibly bear to see for a long period of time. Elie learns of the true horror of Auschwitz by experience, which causes him to gradually lose faith in his religion he has been practicing his whole life. Elie is also separated from everyone in his family except for his father who is in Elie’s group. The novel seems to foreshadow what is to come when it states that the “[G]erman soldiers wore steel helmets and had death’s head emblem” (Wiesel 9) What this is foreshadowing is that when the death’s head emblem is mentioned, it is referencing a skull

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