
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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John Steinbeck uses foreshadowing throughout his book Of Mice and Men, the story of two unique friends working on a farm and having a wish of the typical 1930 American dream. In his story Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck foreshadowed Lennie’s death using the death of Candy’s dog and George being involved with the death of Lennie with the use of the first and last chapter. Steinbeck also foreshadows George trying to save Lennie from dying by having George attempt to take away the objects that would soon lead to Lennie’s death to try and give warning to the audience about the events that are soon to come. Lennie’s death could have been predicted since the beginning of the story with the use of Candy’s dog being killed in chapter three. In the book, Lennie represents the dog. Both were innocent, dependent on their best friends, and not wanted. They also both died the same way. “He pulled the trigger. The crash …show more content…

Because Lennie and Candy’s dog were both shot by their best friend and by the same way and similar reason, it foreshadowed Lennie’s death. George throwing the gun and then throwing the mouse at the beginning and a the end of the book foreshadowed that he would have something to do with the death of Lennie because he threw both things that killed Lennie into the distance. And George trying to save Lennie was foreshadowed by George trying to take away the things that would eventually lead to Lennie’s death. All of the foreshadowed events gave the audience a warning of what was yet to come and how the ending of the story would come to be without even having to read the ending of the book “Of Mice and Men” by John

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