
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men Essay The ability to see into the future is something anyone would want and you're insane if you don't. Authors have the power to grant that ability to the readers if they so choose to. John Steinbeck is one of the many authors who repeatedly allows the reader to see what will happen in the story through foreshadowing. In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck uses foreshadowing multiple times to empower the reader to see into the future of the novella. Steinbeck has George say over and over to Lennie that he always gets in trouble, he uses Candy's dog to show Candy's old age and close demise, and the dead puppy to foreshadow the death of curley's wife. The first example of this in Of Mice and Men is how George continuously tells Lennie that he always finds a way to get in trouble some how. Steinbeck was able to …show more content…

Steinbeck is foreshadowing the death of candy through the death of his old dog. When candy says ¨awright take ´ im¨(47) he is giving up the last part of his youth. Later when he starts to talk to George about their own farm he says “ I´d make a will an´ leave my share to you guys incase i kick off¨ (59) Candy, an old man, with his dog now dead sees this and realizes he is close to his demise. This convinces Candy that he has to start to live whatever life he has left to the fullest. He goes so far that he joins the crazy farm idea that George and Lennie have.
Next is when Curley's wife starts to flirt and starts to hangout and flaunt herself around a bunch of men. Steinbeck is trying to foreshadow how she will eventually get in trouble and something bad will happen. When she says "Nobody can't blame a person for lookin'," (31) She is actively looking to get in trouble with the men on the ranch. This is Steinbeck using his foreshadowing for later in the book when she gets into trouble with Lennie. She doesn't understand Lennie is as strong and dangerous as he actually

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