
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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“Uh-uh Jus’ a dead mouse, George. I didn’ kill it honest. I found it, I found it dead.” pg5 The story Of Mice and Men tells the story of two friends, George and Lennie. Their both looking for a job during the great depression. They keep losing their jobs because of Lennie and at their new job Lennie gets in some deep trouble. Lennie ends up killing the boss’ son’s wife and George has to put down Lennie. John Steinbeck uses foreshadowing to hint at the death the dream, Curley’s wife, and Lennie.

The first reason is the dream dying because of the events that happen in the story. On page 74 it crooks says “They come, and they go, and every one of em’s got a little piece of land in their head and never a damn one of them ever gets it.” This is crooks saying he doesn't think they can do it because he's seen so many men want land and they end up not getting any. Crooks also says they will never get land because they'll blow all their money so the plan would never work. The next example that the dream will die is when Lennie says “George gonna say I done a bad thing. He ain't gonna let me tend the rabbits.”pg 91. From this I can tell that Lennie is going to get in serious trouble and from him saying he won’t be able to tend the rabbits that the dream will not happen. These quotes from the foreshadows the idea of the dream dying because of Crooks and …show more content…

For example Lennie tells himself “I shouldn't of did that. George will be mad.”pg92.This is when Lennie kills Curley’s wife and something gonna have to happen to Lennie because he’s done a bad thing. George realizes that he has to shoot Lennie because of this incident. The next reason is Candy says “ I should of done it myself,” when he's talking to George about his dog.pg61.This makes George think that he has to shoot George because they have a connection. The quotes hints that George will kill him because George doesn't want Curley to shoot

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