
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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Lennie Small, a large lumbering man, who is simple-minded and usually unaware of his actions is often compared to an animal for his characteristics. Also because he is simple-minded trouble finds him easily. Him and his best friend George lose their jobs everywhere they go and are constantly on the move. Since Lennie has this history of doing bad things it is foreshadowing what is to come for him. Lennie and his appearance are referred to as “animal” like throughout the course of the novel, so when Lennie is killed execution style it is an example of irony because he is so usually compared to an animal. When animals are out of bounds or messing with human society animal control either relocates them or kills them. In the book Of Mice and Men, …show more content…

Lennie is often referred to as an animal, and dehumanized by his past choices as well as how he’s characterized, these are all examples of foreshadowing. Lennie is a tall man, the complete opposite of someone considered petite. His actions throughout the novel were referred to animal like for example “...and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear would drag his paws” (pg 2). When Lennie is described as an animal it dehumanizes him. Usually explaining his actions simply as dragging his feet would keep the image that he is human. Lennie’s hands were often described as paws “Lennie covered his face with huge paws and bleated with terror” (pg 63). Describing Lennie as an animal blurs the image of him being human just like the rest of the men at the ranch. Lennie is a human just like everyone else in the world, although with his mental state there wasn’t the appropriate care for him in the 1937 society. People in a 2017 society can have the same physique as Lennie, taller, strong, and simple-minded. Although there is a struggle to find care for these people alike Lennie it is far less challenging than in 1937 where Of Mice and Men takes place. Lennie is also dehumanized

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