
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Shattered Air

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In my novel, Shattered Air, their were numerous literary devices in the few pages I read. Foreshadowing, "Before they departed Glacier Point, Clu Cotter bought a postcard showing a lightning bolt striking Half Dome"(page 93 Madgic). The reason why I choose this literary device is that the narrator has been talking about how the sky's are starting to turn darker and darker. Even the park rangers put up signs saying do not go up the summit if storm is on the way. Another reason why I choose foreshadowing is Pippey brought his younger brothers, Hoog and Crozier, to help steer them to the write path. Before they arrived, they had practice with CPR and other procedure just in case something bad happened. On page 89, Hoog and Crozier we're alike

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