
Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Giver

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In the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, the author uses foreshadowing to allow the reading to acknowledge how small details are bigger than one would think. In The Giver, there are many parts that the reader might not believe had any significance. But later, on these minor details become major priorities. One out of the many examples of foreshadowing is when Jonas noticed depth in the newborn's eyes. When looking upon at Gabriel, the newborn's eyes, Jonas felt “as if one were looking into the clear water of the river.” He is noticing something that he has never noticed before, and he describes it being depth and paleness. The majority of the people had dark colored eyes, and a few inconsistencies. This might make the reading, as it did for me, wonder what might make this newborn so different from the others, we start to make predictions for what might happen to such a person. But this also made me wonder why is there dark and pale eyes, but no colored eyes. I was unable to understand this theory until The Giver explained to Jonas how there were “lots of colors, and red is one of them.” The people living in this …show more content…

While Jonas was playing catch with an apple he has noticed how “It changed. Just for an instant.” Everything about this apple was the same as it always has been, but Jonas still noticed an inconsistency. This same inconsistency is brought up later in the book when Jonas notices something peculiar about Fiona. But “it seemed to be just her hair. And just for that flickering instant.” These two incidences lead up to a major part in this book but also a major part in jonas’s life. Jonas is “beginning to see the color red.” This shows how Jonas is having a reaction to the color red, as the apple and Fiona’s hair are that color. These two events along with many others lead up to a big surprise later on in the book, teaching the reading to acknowledge the little things as

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