
Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Kite Runner

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Foreshadowing is an advance sign or warning of what is to come in the future. One book that uses foreshadowing is The Kite Runner. In Khaled Hosseini’s book, The Kite Runner, Amir, the main character, does not stop the sexual abuse he witnesses happening to his friend, Hassan. Then, Amir and his father, Baba, travel to America to escape the war against the Taliban. While in America, Amir marries a woman and shortly after, Amir receives a call from his father’s best friend. Amir returns to Afghanistan and learns Hassan is his half-brother. Amir then goes on a journey to rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab, and later ends up bringing Sohrab to America and adopting him. The events in the book, The Kite Runner, allows Khaled Hosseini to use foreshadowing. …show more content…

Hosseini triggers curiosity in the reader when he writes on page 2, “I thought about something Rahim Khan said just before he hung up, almost as an afterthought. There is a way to be good again. I looked up at those twin kites. I thought about Hassan. Thought about Baba. Ali. Kabul. I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came along and changed everything and made me what I am today.” In this scene, Amir is reflecting on his childhood because he has just received a phone call from an old family friend, Rahim Khan, who lives in Afghanistan. Reflecting, Amir knows now would be the time he may or may not be able to atone for past indiscretions. This scene demonstrates foreshadowing. Amir is flashing back to crucial events in his childhood that shaped him to be the man that he is at the time of this phone call. Amir thinks he can no longer redeem himself for his mistake with Hassan. However, when Rahim Khan calls, he tells Amir he can correct his mistakes. This leads, not only Amir, but the readers, to be curious about how Amir can atone for his past transgressions. From Rahim Khan's words, it foreshadows the events of Amir absolving to Hassan after betraying his trust by saving his son from the cruel rule of the Taliban. Amir brings Sohrab, Hassan’s son, back to America. By …show more content…

Mystery is created when Hosseini writes on page 270, “I slept through almost the entire four-hour ride to Islamabad. I dreamed a lot, and most of it I only remember as a hodgepodge of images, snippets of visual memory flashing in my head . . . Rahim Khan on the phone, telling me there was a way to be good again. A way to be good again . . . .” Amir has just found out that the Americans who run the orphanage that Rahim Khan said would help Sohrab, do not exist. Amir and Sohrab travel to Islamabad, which during the ride Amir falls asleep, to stay away from the Taliban and find a way to America. This dream description depicts foreshadowing. His dreams contain various memories throughout his life, including a life changing phone call. The ending line allows the reader to understand that something in the forthcoming storyline will enable Amir to resolve his guilt. This line foreshadows Amir doing the best thing he possibly could have done in regards of his half-brother’s son, according to Hosseini. His dreams portray the guilt that Amir has been harboring all these years and how Rahim Khan thinks there is a way to make up for this malicious deed. It then goes on to Amir thinking about his friend’s words and how he may be able to do many rights for this one wrong. To absolve his guilt, Amir travels to Afghanistan

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