
Examples Of Greed In The Hobbit

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Many people wonder why wealthy people are usually greedy, disrespectful, and foolish. In The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien shows us why some people’s attitude toward property and material wealth is negative. He shows the Biblical standpoint of wealth throughout his book. Even though you can do many great things with wealth, their are many unfavorable things you can do with it as well. The pitfalls of possessiveness and materialism that emerge in The Hobbit are greed, disrespect, and foolishness.
Greed is an outcome toward property and material wealth. “His rage passes description - the sort of rage that is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy suddenly lose something that they have long had but have never before used or wanted” …show more content…

Smaug became to confident in himself when Bilbo complemented him. “I am armoured above and below with iron scales and hard gems. No blade can pierce me.” (208) It turns out that their was a kink in Smaug’s armor, so Bilbo was about to spot that. When Bilbo and the dwarves escaped from Smaug, Smaug became angry and irrational. “He was breaking rocks to pieces, smashing wall and cliff with the lashings of his huge tail, till their lofty little camping ground, the scorched grass, the trush’s stone, the snail-covered walls, the narrow ledge, and disappeared in a jumble of smithereens, and an avalanche of splintered stones fell over the cliff into the valley below.” (213) There was no point to destroying the dwarf’s campground, but Smaug ruined it because he was furious out losing a goblet. Thorin becomes foolhardy when he thinks he can survive a hard winter without much food. “Winter and snow is hastening behind them. How shall you be fed without the friendship and goodwill of the lands about you? The treasure is likely to be your death, though the dragon is no more!’ But Thorin was not moved. ‘Winter and snow will bite both men and elves,’ he said, ‘and they may find their dwelling in the waste grievous to

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