
Examples Of Heroism In Beowulf

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Beowulf: A Hero of Epic Proportions [introduction] Beowulf has survived as a literary masterpiece for over 1,300 years as a result of its vivid imagery, varied tone, and unique diction and style. Firstly, the powerful imagery in Beowulf brings life to the poem. In the beginning, Grendel slinks into Herot Hall, slaughters upwards of thirty men, and flees to his lair, dragging their bleeding carcasses behind him. The images of Grendel’s savage attacks portrays him as a figure of death and darkness. The lake that Grendel inhabits is as vile and disgusting as he is. It is a hellish cesspool of bloody, boiling water that radiates pure evil. Animals and humans alike avoid that damnable lake at all costs, no matter the consequences. A savage

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