
Examples Of Heroism In The Outsiders

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In the novel The Outsiders, many characters could be considered heroes. Some heroes in The Outsiders include Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally. A hero must be a person who is dedicated, motivated, inspirational, intelligent, and helpful. These traits in the gang bind them and make them as strong as steel. Johnny was the second youngest and the pet of the gang. “If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’ll have Johnny.” Johnny had an abusive home life and it impacted his life in many ways. It made him a strong, dependable, inspirational person. He saved his best friend and his hero from a terrible fate. Dally was Johnny’s hero, and Johnny was Dally’s hero. Dally was what all criminals would want to be. He was tough, mean, and empty. Johnny kept Dally alive and made Dally a …show more content…

When Dally went to Windrixville to help and protect Johnny and Ponyboy, he knew he was going to get into trouble with the police. He brought them to a local Dairy Queen. When they returned to the church they had been staying at, it was in flames and were told there were young children inside. Pony and Johnny ran in to save the kids, but Dally ran in to save Johnny. He saved Johnny now, but he cannot do anything in the future. Ponyboy is a smart, emotional, loving member of the gang. He gets good grades, enjoys watching sunsets, runs track, and loves his brothers dearly. He is the youngest member of the group, but still faced many hardships. In many ways Ponyboy was a hero even though there were consequences he had to pay. On the night Darry slapped Pony, he ran to Johnny for help. They went to a park where a bunch of Socs began to drown Pony. Johnny was scared and murdered Bob, one of the Socs. Even though Ponyboy was scared of what the police may do to him and his family, he still stood by Johnny and helped him through this

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