
Examples Of How Revolutionary Was The American Revolution Dbq

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How revolutionary was the American Revolution? Was it even revolutionary? You could argue it was or wasn't revolutionary but you cannot deny that it had transformed the nation we know (and love?) today. The American Revolution was divided for the separation of Great Britain to the United States due to unjust laws of the British like the famous saying “No taxation without representation “. It was the revolution that sparked the others it changed 3 things about America, the economics, social groups, and politics. In short, yes the Revolution was revolutionary it changed many things for Better or For Worse. First off, I will explain how social groups changed After the Revolution. It didn't actually change social groups it changed people's behaviors Towards the other groups. People were more tolerant of let's say blacks. [Doc 2] The statement in this document basically sums up the American philosophy of thinking after the revolution people believed all men (notice how it says all men not people) are and should be treated equal. People in America thought it was time to move on from the tribal class system like slaves or landowners, they Also believed everyone should have a set of basic rights Including freedom of …show more content…

The country men in general became poorer. [Document 4] The statistics of how wealthy people were in a certain area was shown. As you can clearly see, the revolution made a lot of wealthy people step down, or we can say there were less rich people in America now there were more middle-class people. This is likely due to the inflation caused by the War. The government had to print Millions upon millions of dollars to pay for the war, so there wasn't enough gold and silver to back it. So the value of money fell and it all happened so sudden that the economy couldn't adjust fast enough and many people stepped down the wealth

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