
Examples Of How The Moment Can Change A Person's Perception

Decent Essays

There is a famous quote by Dr. Bruce Lipton that says, “the moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry in your body.” This can essentially be taken as the moment you (or even something else) change your perception, is the moment you change your actions. This holds to be true for Lucille Fletcher’s Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson in Sorry, Wrong Number and Gilbert in “Another Place, Another Time” by Cory Doctorow.
Sorry, Wrong Number is a great example of how one moment can change a person’s perception(s). One example is when Mrs. Stevenson believes her husband loves her just like everyone does because she says, “I’m alone all day and night,” and that “I see nobody except my maid Eloise,” and that “the only other person is my husband Elbert. He’s crazy about me-adores me,” which proves she thinks that nobody would hurt her. In the very end, she hears the “(click of receiver being put down…)”and to the operator she says “someone who’s going to murder me” which proves that her whole opinion has changed because she now thinks that someone wanted to murder her. This is not the only example Sorry, Wrong Number has to offer. …show more content…

Stevenson. In the beginning, he loves his wife, but after waiting on Mrs. Stevenson “hand and foot,” and has “scarcely left Mrs.Stevenson’s side since Mrs.Stevenson took sick twelve years ago,” he soon gets tired of having her around and it is inferred that he is the one to get her murdered. We can only assume that it is Mr.Stevenson who is the one to decide that he wants the “querulous, self-centered neurotic” gone and even murdered . This shows how perceptions can change from just one event, in this case it’s that Mrs.Stevenson became bedridden so his perception changed about her and his

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