
Examples Of Human Error In Romeo And Juliet

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Sometimes the way humans act can be beyond their control and can lead to a rash decision. In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare illustrates that human error can lead to a unsuccessful outcome. In Verona, Italy, two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love and decide to marry in secrecy. However, their decision to marry is not intelligent. Both Romeo and Juliet come from opposing households, who are enemies, the Capulets and the Montagues. Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet believe they are meant to be with each other. In the end, Romeo and Juliet’s actions will lead them to a tragic misfortune.
In the play, multiple humans errors are made. One example is Romeo and Juliet deciding to get married. After Romeo and Juliet meet, Romeo is brought by the love of Juliet to the Capulet's house to ask to take her hand in marriage, "The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine" …show more content…

In the prologue, Shakespeare shows that the two protagonists will end up dead. In the first act, a illiterate servant stumbles across Romeo and Benvolio asking if they can read. They notice that Rosaline is on the guest list, so Benvolio convinces Romeo to go to the party because it will help him get over Rosaline. Author and publisher Erin Reynolds states that "there are simply too many coincidences and near misses for it to be convincingly argued that they were all the work of chance alone." Fate is what caused Romeo attended the party because if the servant had never run into Romeo and Benvolio, then Romeo would have never met Juliet.
In the entire play, human error is to blame for the tragedy. Shakespeare shows multiple examples to tell that human choices are in control. As the play opens up, fate plays a major role to Romeo and Juliet meeting. Yet, in the end, their choices are what end the lives between

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