
Examples Of Hyperboles And Pathos In The Giraffe

Decent Essays

The short story The Giraffe by Mauro Senesi uses hyperboles and pathos to demonstrate how quick society is to discriminate and be neglectful based on the fear of the unknown. Ultimately depicting that misconceptions created by society can influence how change is perceived and welcomed. The Giraffe is a fictional short story that is about a giraffe that is introduced into an environment where mentalities are outdated when it comes to things that are out of the ‘norm’. This new tall animal is viewed as a massive threat and is severly unwelcomed by the townspeople. Although the giraffe was not welcome the boys of this small town decide to keep it but face jurastic consquences when caring for the animal becomes a hassle.
Firstly, Senesi uses hyperboles in The Giraffe to show how society despises new ideas and change, which restricts citizens to adapt to grow as people in society. An example when the boys were walking with the giraffe through the streets of the village they described “the roofs couldn’t imprison that high head, and […] the giraffe [was] our periscope, to see from up above who knows what, who knows where” (Senesi, line 47-51). Clearly this quote is a hyperbole since the boys and giraffe are walking on the streets and a roof is unable to inprison someone who is walking outdoors. What the author is trying to convey is that the boys are starting to pay attention to issues in their community that they used to be oblivious to. Furthermore, Senesi criticizes how

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