
Examples Of Ignorance Stereotypes In Stephen King's One For The Road

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In “One for the Road” by Stephen King, Gerard Lumley is an example of the ignorant stereotype because he wouldn’t listen to any of the locals. First, he burst into the bar freezing to death. He was pale and unfamiliar to the locals. Second, he tells the bartender, Tookey, that his wife and daughter were trapped down the road in his car. “Where did you go off the road?' Tookey asked him. 'S-six miles s-s-south of h-here,' he said. Tookey and I stared at each other, and all of a sudden I felt cold. Cold all over.” (King 2). This shows that he is not from here and that Tookey and Booth both know that the place he is talking about is a bad place. Afterwards, Tookey and Booth both go out with Lumley to find his family. “I said, 'One other thing,

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