
Examples Of Illusions In Othello

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Our perception of the world around us is a mix of our reality and illusions, and many of the challenges we face is distinguishing between these two. When we fail to and begin to believe the illusions we can make decisions that hurt us and the people around us. In Shakespeare's Othello we see how someone can believe illusions even when everything shows how false that illusion is.
Iago is someone who welcomes illusion into his life even when he knows it isn’t true. In one of his earlier soliloquies Iago reveals that he believes Othello has slept with his wife “I do suspect the lusty Moor / Hath leaped into my seat - the thought whereof / Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards” (2.1.317-319). Iago has no actual proof of Othello having done anything and this claim contradicts what he said earlier in the same soliloquy when he talks about how loving and noble Othello is and how he will be a dear husband to Desdemona (2.1.310-313). Despite his own contradiction he decides to get even with Othello saying “Nothing can or shall content my soul / Till I am evened with him, wife for wife” (2.1.320-321). Iago is the most …show more content…

When he questions Emilia about Desdemona’s faithfulness she says “Lay down my soul at stake. If you think other, / Remove your thought . It doth abuse your bosom. / If any wretch have put this in your head, / Let heaven requite it with the serpent’s curse” (4.2.14-17). Even though Othello clearly trusts Emilia enough to ask her and the fact that she goes to the point of swearing her life on Desdemona’s faithfulness Othello still doesn’t believe what she is saying. Instead of questioning the legitimacy of his own claims he instead characterises Emilia as “a subtle whore, / A closet lock and key of villainous secrets” (4.2.23-24). Othello at this point is so invested in the idea of Desdemona being a whore that anything that says otherwise is a

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