
Examples Of Imagery In Fahrenheit 451

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In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the city and its people live without genuine connections due to the mask comfort provides. Guy Montag is seen as an outcast because he is becoming discontent in their way of life. Everyone else, including his own wife Mildred, turn against him as he discovers the power of knowledge and what you can find outside your comfort zone. Through Montag’s wife Mildred, Bradbury uses imagery to paint a picture of how comfort can be a dangerous indulgence for humanity.
In the beginning of the story, Bradbury introduces Mildred and Guy Montag, and their simple life. Very quickly the faults within the societies idea of “good” living shows in Mildred’s overdose on sleeping pills. Montag just witnesses his wife almost dying and yet he falls victim to comfort and routine the city provides. “‘I don’t know anything anymore’ he said, and let a sleep lozenge dissolve on his tongue”(18). Bradbury’s …show more content…

Mildred rushes past showing no remorse or guilt for the path she is puting her husband on. “She shoved the valise in the waiting beetle, climbed in, and sat mumbling, ‘Poor family, poor family, oh everything gone, everything, everything gone now…’”(114). The dangers of living in complete comfort shows through Mildred's progression, which inevitably leads to her turning on Montag and being more concerned for her “parlor” family than him. Comfort takes away the value of human connection and interaction, switching the focus to yourself. Humanity is shown through the kindness of people, and in this society, they have lost touch with empathy. Now, everyone lives for themselves and does whatever they can to remain in routine, never disrupting their false sense of happiness. Irony encourages this point because the people have become more connected to imaginary families than those who they share their life

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