
Why Is Clarice Important In Fahrenheit 451

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Influential People "Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses." Andrew Lansly. In Fahrenheit 451 people who were influence his life in different ways good, bad, or even the ugly. Clarice was more influential To Montag than his own wife Mildred was. Mildred's influenced Montag in a negative way. For example Montauk walked into the bedroom and kicked "[an] empty sleeping pill bottle that was full at the start of the day" showing that Mildred taken all of the pills in the bottle.(13) Mildred she would rather take pills and not think which Montag grew to abhor. As we often do when we sleep "Mildred slept with seashells in her ears" just like the radio or the tv we leave on when we sleep.(13) As many of us do today she spends much of her time watching tv or listening to a device unconnected to a social life. Society as a whole in the book was un social as "Montag [walked] in the door Mildred was watching tv as usual." like most people today.(17) Like most people today Mildred loved to watch tv it was almost as if it was her family. …show more content…

For example she asked him is it true that long ago firemen put out the fires." (8) This shows that she had some prior knowledge about firemen and what they did before the turned into the book burning people they are now. "Clarisse didn't think that Montag was happy after she walked with him a little bit.(10) it is almost as if Clarisse knew something was wrong with Montag as if she knew that he didn't like his job. Clarisse had done something to Montag as "he looked at a blank wall and could see her face"(11). Clarisse had left a long lasting impression on Montag even though they had only met a few minutes

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