
Examples Of Immoral Act In The Great Gatsby

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In the bible, James chapter four verse seventeen goes on to say, “Everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and does not do it commits a sin.” This relates to The Great Gatsby because many of the characters knew about wrongdoings, but chose not to do the right thing and tell someone. Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s innovative novel The Great Gatsby proves that a person’s unwillingness to report a socially immoral act makes them just as morally wrong. Nick is the best example of how failing to reveal an immoral act can make one just as morally wrong. This is evident through Nick’s knowledge of Tom’s affair, Nick helping Daisy and Gatsby have an affair, and Nick realizing his wrong after hearing about the events following Myrtle’s death. While there are many examples of how a person’s unwillingness to report a socially immoral act makes them just as morally wrong, one of the most significant examples of this is how Nick did not do anything when he found out about Tom’s affair with Myrtle. “‘Why-” she said hesitantly, “Tom’s got some women in New York. … “She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner time. Don’t you think?’” (Fitzgerald 15). Jordan Baker is explaining to Nick that Tom is having an affair and that she had no right to call while they are having dinner. This is the first that Nick hears about Tom’s mistress, but not the last. Nick then goes on to meet Myrtle, the other half of Tom’s affair, in Chapter two when he and Tom went into town together.

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