
Examples Of Income Inequality

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Imagine for a moment that you are a babysitter keeping an eye on two few-month-old babies. Cute, aren’t they? Together they’ve created a perfect friendship in minutes. Nothing is different between the two. The babies are curious, innocent, and a little bit hungry. Your doorbell rings and two woman walk in at your invitation. The mothers smile and briskly trot to their babies, swinging them up into a warm hug. Though the babies have no differences, the women do. One styles her hair in a chic bob while the other wears a messy bun. One dresses head-to-toe in pristine designer outfits; the other wears a tattered Burger King apron. One can pay you today; the other swallows her pride and admits that she doesn’t have the money right now. You two agree on an I.O.U. This is just one of many examples of income inequality. Paul Krugman enlightens …show more content…

This would be an easy purchase and investment for Donald’s parents because they have earned more money in their lifetimes. When the baby born to middle class parents (we’ll name him Douglas) try to find a home in the same school zone on a minimum wage salary it’s likely that they will have to pay for it with money that they do not have, resulting in loans and debt. Assuming that there are no depressions or economical crises in either boy’s lifetime, Donald will grow up in a home where money is not an issue. Sure there may be bumps in the road, but overall his lifestyle will not be too difficult or change radically. On the other hand, there is a great chance that Douglas will have a troubled childhood and adolescence where money will be harder to come by and will be sent away to pay off the rising debts accumulated over time to mortgage companies, leaving very little left for other

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