
Examples Of Inhumanity In Tuesdays With Morrie

Decent Essays

Where would the world be without humanity? Would it be laying in ruins because of needless wars fought? Perhaps there would be a so called “master” race that exterminated any person that slightly deviated from what was deemed perfect. Maybe there would be no more humans left at all. Humanity binds the human race together. The caring for other people and not just thinking about yourself. The word is humanity, and the root of that is human. This concept is central to all our beliefs. Just like a coin though, there is a flip side. Inhumanity, when humans do not act like regular humans. To be described as inhuman a person has to be extremely nefarious. These people that commit inhuman acts upon others are treated as monsters, and by all rights are monsters. Both of the books we read this semester dealt with humanity and inhumanity. Although one book clearly had a lot more inhumanity in it. …show more content…

An old friend of the main character was dying. Morrie has ALS, it is a crippling disease that affects the nervous system. Mitch is very upset about Morrie dieing. Morrie taught Mitch a lot about life and humanity. Morrie taught Mitch how to feel, and hot to deal with emotions. Even though Morrie is dying slowly and painfully, Morrie is staying positive. On one occasion Morrie tells Mitch that in the mornings is when Morrie mourns. Morrie mourns the “insidious” disease and mourns what is lost. After that Morrie cries if needed, and thinks about all the good things still left in life(Albom 57). This is exactly how to balance inhumanity and humanity. People must always look at the good in every situation. In Night the characters tried to stay positive just as Morrie is trying to. Morrie once said, “make peace with living”(173). Morrie was content in dying and held no unrealistic beliefs. Mitch believed it was wrong to take someone who had helped him so much away, but death is

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