
Examples Of Injustice In King Lear

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Greed; the inventor and enforcer of injustice. The selfish desire for power overtakes all morals and values, which is shown prominently in the classic tragedy, King Lear. The characters of Lear and Gloucester discover the effect of injustice through betrayal and the silence of their gods. Their journeys of self- discovery are shown through Shakespeare’s use of symbolism, literary devices and parallelism. Though one could argue that the banishment and dismissal of those close to them creates an initial catalyst for chaos throughout the kingdom, the fate of these characters calls the Elizabethan audience to question whether actions or beliefs decide ones destiny.
Shakespeare shows King Lear’s experience of injustice through acts of dishonesty
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In this scene, Lear states:
“Too little care of this! Take physic, pomp;
Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel,
That thou may’st shake the superflux to them
And show the heavens more just” (3.4.32-36)
In doing so, Lear strips down to show his vulnerability. Clothing is now nothing more than a mask used to disguise ones true self. Naked, insane, and isolated out in the storm, Lear sees that the Gods must be capable of torment, after feeling susceptible from the effects of the storm and the isolation. The emotional violence that Lear endeavours leads to his insanity, which ultimately plays a critical role in his development of a character.
Similar to Lear’s revolution, Gloucester is the mirror image of Lear’s ego. Through
Gloucester’s lack of appreciation and his selfish acts, he inherits the illusion of trust from him two sons – where only one stays loyal. Injustice causes the turning of Edmund –
Gloucester’s evil son – shown through an un-natural uprising of father to son, ending ultimately with the betrayal between Gloucester and Edmund. Similarly to Lear

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