
Examples Of Intertextuality

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Intertextuality, the relationship between two separate works with complex interrelated meanings. In How to Read Literature like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster suggests this concept that all texts are interrelated even though it may not seem that way at first, one must take a deeper look into the text. Two texts that display intertextuality are the short story “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the song “The Scientist” by Coldplay. Both show a relation about a scientist who has lost his wife/girlfriend due to one of his mistakes and devotion to the science. Though the authors might be unfamiliar with each other’s work they have recognizable characters, plots, and themes throughout. Both works seem to be about a scientist who has devoted almost all their time to their work and has made a mistake they wish they could fix although it is too late. In “The Birthmark” a scientist, Aylmer who struggles to accept his wife, Georgina’s imperfection. He loves Georgina with his whole heart, except he cannot stand to look at her with noticing her imperfection. Georgina never thought that much of outer appearance, but Aylmer began to make her …show more content…

In the concluding sentence, Hawthorne writes, “The momentary circumstance was too strong for him; he failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of time, and living once for all in eternity, to find the perfect future in the present” (12). From this, we see he likely felt guilt for all the things he had done, not loving his wife’s imperfections, too devoted to science, and killing her all for perfection. The cross relation with the song is that he expresses a feeling of guilt as well. Coldplay writes, “Come up to meet you / Tell you I’m sorry / You don’t know how lovely you are / I had to find you / Tell you I need you / Tell you I set you apart” (lines 1-6). The mistake the individuals made leads to them feeling guilty and wanting it to be back the way it was in the

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