
Examples Of Irony In The City Of Ember

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Irony clutters the pages of The City of Ember. For instance, in the middle of the novel, Doon and Lina discover that the mayor has a secret storeroom full of supplies in their quest to save Ember. In her novel, DuPrau states, “‘A room? What’s in there?’... ‘Everything’… ‘And someone was there, in the middle of it all, asleep.’... ‘The mayor!’ Lina whispered”(158). When the storeroom plot twist arrives, it becomes clear what had been going on. Lina had been carrying messages between Looper, a shopkeeper, and Mayor Cole, the person receiving stolen goods from Looper. It also makes sense that the door in the Pipeworks was roped off and locked so no one would discover the Mayor’s treasure room. The secret treasure room is very ironic because

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