
Examples Of Jealousy In Othello

Decent Essays

Shakespeare’s novel Othello shows the downfall of the great General Othello, due to a flaw that is exploited by a man named Iago. But what is that flaw? The flaw in question is Othello’s raw emotions. Iago uses the emotion of jealousy against Othello all throughout Act 3 and most likely into Act 4.The jealousy comes into play when Iago convinces Othello that his wife, Desdemona, is cheating on him with Cassio. At first, Othello refuses to believe this, but soon doubt and jealousy set in. In Act 3, Iago even mentions that jealousy is a “green-eyed monster”(3.3.196), yet Othello is still overcome with anger that he has never shown before in earlier acts. An example of this angered behavior occurs when Othello exclaims, “She’s gone, I am abused,

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