
Examples Of Jealousy In Othello

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Some of the most famous stories in the world deal with themes of jealousy, among them is Shakespeare’s “Othello.” The tragedy was written by William Shakespeare in 1603. To be jealous is a feeling or showing of envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. Jealousy can motivate people to do crazy things. Readers see this in “Othello” when one person’s jealousy creates chaos throughout the story. Iago’s jealousy is an example of non-romantic jealousy, but many characters such as Othello, Emilia, and Roderigo exhibit romantic jealousy in thinking their spouses are unfaithful to them. William Shakespeare's, "Othello" is a tragedy derived from both romantic and non romantic jealousy, and this jealousy causes many of the characters …show more content…

He ignites Othello’s insecurities by isolating him from the two people he trusts the most Cassio and Desdemona. At first, Iago tries to make Othello doubt his wife, Desdemona’s, faithfulness. Iago does this by slipping small hints that eventually cause Othello to doubt Desdemona. Othello starts to believe Iago’s lies when they approach Cassio and Desdemona talking to each other while avoiding Othello. Iago’s says, “Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it, That he would steal away so guilty-like, Seeing your coming" (3.3.37). In the past, Cassio would have acknowledged Othello’s presence. However, Cassio had ruined his reputation by getting drunk and losing him his job. Iago convinced him to ask Desdemona to beg Othello to give Cassio’s job back he would snuck away when he saw Othello. When Cassio ran off, it startled Othello because of the doubt Iago has been planting in Othello. In the same scene, romantic jealousy is shown by Othello because he is concerned about what his wife was doing with Cassio and why Cassio ran off in his presence. Iago’s isolation of Othello helps to convince Othello that his wife, Desdemona is being unfaithful. Iago’s romantic jealousy from his belief of Othello being unfaithful with Emilia causes Othello’s mistrust in …show more content…

Iago is busy carrying out his evil plan which results in him ignoring his wife. During the movie and throughout the text, Iago treats his wife disrespectfully. It is apparent that Iago does not love Emilia anymore after Iago believes she has been unfaithful with Othello. He is disrespectful because he is busy manipulating everyone in the story and does not have time for her. Iago uses Emilia to steal the handkerchief so he can plant it in Cassio's room. Emilia admits to Desdemona, "But I do think it is their husbands' faults If wives do fall. Say that they slack their duties And pour our treasures into foreign laps" (5.1.83). With this line she explains how she would never cheat on her husband. However, if a women would be unfaithful it would be because her husband has forced her to seek for love in other places. This quote shows Emilia’s jealousy very clearly. Emilia is jealous of all the attention Iago is putting into trying to ruin Othello's marriage and Cassio's job. Emilia demonstrates romantic jealousy throughout the tragedy because Iago does not acknowledge her. At the end of the story, Emilia stands up for what she believes when she disobeys her husband. This unpredictable behavior from Emilia causes Iago to become angered because he does not realize that she is jealous of the attention he gives to everyone else. Emilia’s romantic jealousy

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