
Examples Of Jealousy In Othello

Decent Essays

Jealousy can be determine by wanting what someone else have or fear/anger of losing someone. Wanting what someone has is like when your family member buys your little cousin a game , but not you so, you get jealous. Fear/anger of losing someone is like when they take one of your family members away and your friend have someone to talk too. Physical is hurting people that causes suicide and killing others, and mental is trick-minding getting into others head. In Othello, Iago signifies different types of jealousy that harms others physically, and mentally.

To begin with, Iago harms other people with different types of jealousy physically, and mentally . For example, in the beginning of the scene, Iago is making mess, a lot of mess fooling around mentally in Othello’s head. Iago hatefully comments, “I hate the Moor,/And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets/ ‘Has done my office”(Othello, I.iii. 377-379). Iago was furious because he thinks Othello slept with his wife in his bed. That is disrespectful towards every man, so who wouldn’t want pay back. Earlier in the play, looking at Iago you could of tell he was mad when they give Cassio the promotion. It is ironic because I can relate to this by watching a show and …show more content…

This comment is important by Iago, “Should you do so, my lord, My speech should fall into such vile success, Which my thoughts aimed not. Cassio’s my worthy friend - My lord I see y’are moved ”(Othello III.iii 221-225). Iago trick-minded Othello by putting all the things in Othello’s head such as Cassio and Desdemona are sleeping together and saying he shouldn’t do things to Cassio. This is a physical and mental part of jealousy because Iago is trick-minding all of them, Othello kills Desdemona and himself which makes it physical and mental because he fooled around all of them and put things in each other heads that lead up to the physical point of

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