
Examples Of Lessons In The Chrysalids

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Lessons Being Taught in The Chrysalids
Love and faith are both components to survival. In the Chrysalids David loves Rosalind and his sister Petra and protects them. John Wyndham, the author of the book places this society in a time after war were mutations are becoming more common so Petra, Rosalind, and David need to run away to survive or else they will get caught. Also these people in this society are very faithful (religious) and follow the bible, and if something occurs that the bible does not say then they get sent to the fringes. The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham teaches valuable lessons about love, survival, and faith.
The Chrysalids teaches lessons about love. If someone loves another then they will protect them. For example David …show more content…

To begin with people follow the rules until they come across their own challenges. For one thing Aunt Harriet having another mutation. As she continues to have mutations she gives up and finally decides she will keep the baby. This shows that she was a good citizen but as she keeps experiencing heartbreak she then decides to try and break the rules. Also sometimes being too faithful is wrong. For example when Angus Morton came with the unusually large horses. “I don’t believe it … god never made horses of these size, the government can’t have approved them,” (36). This proves that being too religious is bad because these horses were too big but they work ten times better and faster but eat the same, so the horses being too big would have helped really well. Another point is that faith makes people not think for themself. For instance David knows the bible, has studied it for years but when he sees Sophie's extra toe doesn’t understand why it is so bad. This proves that David does not see the harm in an extra toe but the bible does not say that it is aloud making everyone think it is bad. Therefore faith is a lesson as the main idea of the book is being different, and that as people continue to be faithful it may be a dangerous

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