
Examples Of Light Prevails In The Night

Good Essays

Sean Blumlein
Mr. Flood
English 11 H
20 March 2018
Light Prevails in the Night

When people hear the word light they often think of physical light, but the word light has many underlying interpretations and meanings. Whether in the form of wavelengths, the constant struggle of good versus evil, representing life, a guide, a force, or to describe speed, light is almost always a positive that often relates to a person being on the pathway to happiness. The many elements and meanings of light are illustrated in various biblical texts, shakespearean works, and many modern news articles. Since the beginning of time there has always been the constant struggle of good versus evil. A common comparison for good versus evil, is light versus darkness. The good and righteous people in written works are associated with light and the evil wicked people, the bad guys, are often associated with darkness. In the Bible, there is a spiritual …show more content…

In this battle, light almost always prevails because it is stronger than the darkness. John says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome" (John 1:5). You can clearly see this demonstrated in the physical world with a simple test: If someone turns on a light in a dark room, the darkness instantly vanishes and if that person opens a window at night in a lighted room, the darkness of the night cannot invade the lighted room because the light is more powerful than the darkness. In Macbeth, King Duncan names Malcolm as his predecessor and hails Macbeth for his bravery in battle by comparing them to the stars. He says "Signs of nobleness,like stars, shall shine”(Shakespeare I.4.323). Duncan explains those who are righteous will be rewarded and will shine like a "star", he says this because light is seen as good. But, Macbeth begins to ignore theses values that Duncan has spoken highly of him for. He says,

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