
Examples Of Logos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote many amazing speeches and letters. Two of them were “I Have A Dream” and “Letter From Birmingham Jail”. King used many different forms of charged language and logical examples. Dr. King used more language that appealed to his listeners and readers emotions more than the logical and factual language. I will tell how King used these different writing styles in his writings. In Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech he uses many different forms of logos and pathos. King uses pathos by appealing to people’s emotions and getting them on his side by saying things like “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice (MLKJ pg. 262)”. In this speech I think King uses way more examples of pathos rather then logos. An example of a logo he uses is “...we’ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand and riches of freedom and the security of justice (MLKJ pg. 262)”. Dr. King does a very good job of explaining what he is talking about and what his ideas are, but he uses more charged language that appeals to people’s emotions to get his point across. …show more content…

He explains why he is upset and did the things he did, which was a great example of logos. Dr. King uses even more examples of pathos to explain and get to the people’s emotions to make them understand more. King says, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere (MLKJ pg. 272)”. This is a great example of a logo because it is a well known fact. King also states, “Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly (MLKJ pg. 272)”. This is something that appeals to the readers emotions because that is what has been happening to all African Americans. Dr. King explains how they should all have equal rights and supports that with facts, but also adds words to capture the readers emotions to make them want to

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