
Examples Of Loss Of Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Argument on Loss of Faith In the book, Night, by Elie Wiesel is about senseless acts of inhumanity. When senseless acts occur, it can leave the victims questioning their faith. When put through traumatic experiences, people who trust and have the most faith in God tend to blame their God after a traumatic event. The point of the theme is that people who have the most faith in God can lose their faith to God and not only God, humanity too. Elie’s belief in God begins to falter at the concentration camps of Birkenau, Auschwitz when he sees the little angel boy hanging. The little boy, who had the face of a sad angel, was sentenced to be hanged. Since the child was so light, he didn't die immediately when he fell, and he remained alive, hanging …show more content…

Because on his great might, he had created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna, and so many factories of death" (Wiesel 64). This suggests to Eliezer that people are stronger and forgiving than the God they pray to. As more people starve and die, more and more people start to lose all hope of surviving and escaping the camp as well as losing all faith in God. If the world is so disgusting and cruel, he feels, then God either must be disgusting and cruel or must not exist at all. Additionally, Elie also loses his faith in God when he witnessed a Jewish father and son kill one another over a piece of bread. This disturbed Elie so much until he gave up all hope and stopped believing in the goodness of God. Elie also lost his praise, quote, "Why should I bless his name? The eternal, lord of the universe, the all-powerful and terrible was silent. What had I to thank him for?" (Wiesel 31). This shows how the prisoners became predatory animals, animals that were once normal people who would not kill one another for food. Elie described them as, quote, "Wild beasts of prey, with animal hatred in their eyes; an extraordinary vitality had seized them, sharpening their teeth and nails." (Wiesel 101), having been starved for ten days, the prisoners are willing

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