
Examples Of Love In The Great Gatsby

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In the exceptional novel Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, love is tested in countless ways, but the real question is, if the love shown in the book is real with each other or if, the thought of loving a non object or even if love is an obsession. Throughout the novel, the reader discovers how the foolishness of love can causes pessimism. Someone’s obsession does not show someones true love and affection. In chapter 5,Gatsby says that even “if it wasn’t for the mist we could see your home across the bay” (Fitzgerald 92). From Gatsby’s house you can see Daisy’s house not only is that strange but he was always next to Daisy no matter where he was, his whole world revolved around Daisy. Daisy was not his love, but more of an obsession. …show more content…

In chapter 1, Nick and Jordan discussed how Tom had a phone from his mistress, “Toms got some woman in New York” (Fitzgerald 15). Myrtle, Tom’s mistress keeps calling him because she is obsessed with his wealth and maybe his love, Tom treats Myrtle better than Daisy because he loves Myrtle, but Myrtle loves his riches and his money.It makes her feel powerful and in charge, since she is poor and does not have the life style that Daisy has. But throughout the novel, she acts as if she is from a wealthy.In Kathleen Parkinson book of criticism, she states “...for Gatsby the reality of his wealth is already becoming unreal now that the Daisy of his dream has materialized in the shape of a real woman” (Parkinson 104). Basically, his wealth has become fake, but for him his so called love for Daisy is starting to transform from just an allusion to an actual reality. In the middle of chapter 7, Gatsby says “She never loved you.. She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me, it was a terrible mistake, but in her heart, she never loved anyone except me..” (Fitzgerald 130). This represents loving the wrong person can cause ultimate chaos in one's life. Not only did Gatsby say that Daisy did not love Tom ,but he said that she only married him for his riches. Which shows that their love was meaningless and that her greed for money was more powerful than their

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