
Examples Of Love In The Outsiders

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Hannah Slish English Period 11 12/12/17 Love, Support, and Care Teenagers can’t be thrown around and not be seen. Being ignored can cause a teen to feel unstable, not loved, rebellious and many other things along with those examples. In the novel, The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton, they’re kids who suffer in being ignored. It’s just not right to throw them around like dolls! Therefore if a teenager is ignored or not loved, they may start acting unstable as a result of such abuse. The character Johnny Cade wanted to kill himself because of his parents ignoring him and fighting with each other. Being pushed around, hit, and ignored enough to want to kill yourself is too far. “I think I like it better when the old man’s hitting me.”(ch 3) It’s sad to hear a kid the age of sixteen prefer getting beat by his own father just to know that he’s there. Johnny seemed to feel loved when his father beat him. And it was the only real contact he got, his mother acted like he was a ghost. The abuse has gone too far when you feel love from getting beat, and want to commit suicide because of all the stress being carried. …show more content…

The actions that got him deemed a crook were heavily influenced from his non-loving parents. Ever since he was thrown in jail at that young age, he has been in and out of jail. He doesn’t really care of his reputation with the police. He seems untouched by the thought of his parents as well. “Shoot my old man don’t give a hang whether I’m in jail, dead in a car wreck, or drunk in the gutter.” (ch 6) If his parents had been more thoughtful of Dallas maybe his view of them would be different. The non-caring acts of his parents had been a major part of him becoming a

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