
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey
In Homer’s timeless epic, The odyssey. Odysseus King of Ithaca is a true hero. A hero is someone who is loyal to their family, god or gods, and their Country. Would you go to war if you knew you would get lost at sea for 20 years and lose all of your men? Odysseus is loyal to his family. An example of this is on page 722 when Odysseus has to fight in the trojan war, “sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story that skilled man in all ways contending” he did not want to go so he faked insanity. Another example of his loyalty can be found on page 743 line 311-318 when he was tempted with immortality by the goddess Calypso he did not give into temptation. “ My lady goddess, there is no cause for anger. My quiet Penelope- …show more content…

Yet, it is true, each day I long for home, long for the sight of home” He was also tempted with a beautiful mortal Nausicaa who is princess of the was looking for a husband. Evidence of this can be found on page 741 line 570-571 “ I wish my husband could be fine as he and glad to stay forever on Scheria”. Odysseus is loyal to his god or gods. As he does what Tireces tells him and does not eat Helios cows an example of this can be found on page 761 line 1115-1120 “ But if you raid the beeves, i see destruction for ships and crew. Though you survive alone, bereft of all companions, lost for years, under strange sail shall you come home, to find you own house filled with trouble, insolent men eating your livestock as they court your lady “. Odysseus eats the antidot that Hermie’s gives him so he does not fall under Circe’s spell, evidence of this can be found on page 758 in the italicized text. Odysseus leaves the ship and rushes to Circe’s hall. “The god Hermes stops him to give him a plant that will act as an antidote to Circe’s power.” Odysseus also follows Circe’s instructions on what rights he must perform to bring out the dead, evidence of this can be found on page 760

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