
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Loyalty in The Odyssey

The Odyssey by Homer shows many inspiring traits from ancient Greek culture. Throughout this Epic Poem, withstanding loyalty is the truest act of strength and bravery. Loyalty is revealed in the odyssey firstly when Hermes witnesses Odysseus staring out at the sea, depressed because he misses his family. Even though the island Odysseus is on is filled with wonder, he is loyal to his family. Next loyalty is shown through Odysseus when he rushes to save his men from Circe’s influence. Even though he could have listened to Eurylochus who tells him they should leave. Loyalty is then shown when Odysseus risks putting himself through more danger, by going back to Circe’s island to bury his fallen team member, Elpenor. Another example of loyalty is exposed through Odysseus’ dog, Argos, when Odysseus comes home from his long journey and sees his beloved dog uncared for and weak. Argos shows love for Odysseus and dies soon after he sees his master. IAs though Argos was waiting for Odysseus’ return. Lastly loyalty is displayed as Penelope is grieving her husband, even after twenty years.

Odysseus shows great mental strength and bravery through his loyalty,as he sits watching the ocean on a mesmerizing island, that is filled with a …show more content…

Without a second thought Odysseus rushes to rescue his men, not caring about the danger, even after Eurylochus begs him to leave the island. The quote reads,” Eurylochus tells Odysseus what has happened and begs him to sail away from Circe's’ island. Against this advice, however, Odysseus rushes to save his men from the enchantress.”(Page: 1225, Lines 46-48) Bravery shines through this act of loyalty, by Odysseus putting his own life at risk to save others. The abundant amount of mental strength that it took for him to do this, really proves how loyal of a person Odysseus

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