
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Loyalty Portrayed In the Odyssey
In The odyssey, Odysseus must face multiple obstacles on his journey. But, he is only able to conquer these obstacles because of the qualities that he portrays within himself. Some of these important qualities are loyalty, and determination . Odysseus had some bad luck getting home, with some of the gods helping him and some hindering him; his journey was always a constant struggle. We see how Odysseus is sometimes crushed by the obstacles that come his way, but through constant irony his faith was damaged. In “The Odyssey” by homer, the virtue of loyalty is represented as rewarding through character foils. He uses character foils to exhibit that those who withhold their promises and display long-lasting loyalty will fare better than those who do not. Many sides of Odysseus character is exposed through the challenges that he faces. Though he and his crew face crisis and restrictions every step of the way throughout the book. Odysseus still remains humble and sustains his great leadership skills; he longs to see his wife. Loyalty, as defined in the odyssey seems to be the constant devotion to someone, the hopefully longing of their return and victory. Through the use of the characters Penelope, Telemachus and emaeus loyalty is demonstrated to Odysseus who is …show more content…

Odysseus can be described as tenacious; he always has one main focus on an objective and that is to get home. With persistency he overcomes any temptation that gets in his way. Loyalty was also shown by odysseus in that he was very loyal to his crew. He helped them and they helped him. An example of this is when Odysseus see elpinor and hades and goes back to the island to bury him. He is also loyal when he goes and rescues them from circe. He could’ve not buried elpinor nor rescue his crew from circe but he remains faithful to his constant loyalty towards his crew

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