
Examples Of Luis Cruse In Tangerine

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In all of life you probably had one or more mentors like in Talladega Nights,ricky bobby dad ack’s like the mentor in teaching how to go fast again and showing him how to block fear out.speaking of the mentor figure is someone who aids or trains the hero.In the novel the tangerine ,luis cruse fits the mythological archetype of the mentor in three ways. In the novel Tangerine, luis cruse fits the mythological archetype of the mentor in three ways. First, Luis Cruse is a mentor to Paul because he aids him.when they were at the football game, and Luis comes out and confronts Erik Fisher about him picking on a little kid. He says “I think you rare but i think your not man enough to say so’’(bloor 211).Luis Cruse aids Paulin how to stick up for others and himself.Also Luis sticks up for the injustice being done.Luis is a very kind person person,another example is when

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