
Examples Of Madness In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Chris Boyle
Mr. Farrenkopf
Hamlet and Hamilton
April 9 2018

Hamlet Madness Essay In the Hamlet by William Shakespeare, madness is one of many themes that are prevalent. Madness can be described as a state of being mentally ill. Being one of the most prevalent themes are madness is apparent in many characters. Hamlet and Ophelia are two prime examples of characters who experience madness. .In this play, displays of grief are used to show the levels of insanity of Hamlet and Ophelia. Throughout this play there are many instances where Hamlet indicates that he is mad. In the opening scene of the play, a ghost identified as Hamlet’s late father appears before Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus. To the audience, this can be seen as the first sign …show more content…

This ghost calls for Hamlet to take “action” by avenging his father’s death by plotting against Claudius. . Although Hamlet does not know if this new information is true, this causes him to display unpredictable behavior, indicating he has become enraged with the passion to avenge his father's death. Throughout the beginning of the play, Hamlet considers the idea that the ghost is really the devil and is trying to send him to hell. This only drives Hamlet further into madness, as his call to action is impedid, but he becomes confused on his approach to the matter. One prime example of the extent at which Hamlet goes, is when he comes very close to killing Claudius. This happens directly after Hamlet had put on a play resembling the way tha tKing Claudius kills his own brother. This affected Hamlet greatly as he appeared to descend further into madness. An example of the low at which he reaches is seen in his “To be, or not to be,”(3.1.56-57) soliloquy in Act 3 Scene 1. In this soliloquy, Hamlet is seen as being driven to the point where he is contemplating suicide and whether or not his life is worth living. This was only the …show more content…

Ophelia is another character who shows signs of mental weakness throughout the play. She is also seen as someone who is weak and dependent on other people.The fuel behind Ophelia's madness was due to the fact Hamlet had rejected her. Another big event that contributed to her madness was the death of her father. The audience gets a sense that she is reliant on men, and this can be seen through her relationship with Hamlet. Early in the play Polonius and Laertes tell Ophelia that Hamlet only wants to sleep with her. Both her brother Laertes and father Polonius tell her Hamlet is only using her. Being convinced that Hamlet loves her, her father forbids her from being with Hamlet saying”Affection! Pooh, you speak like a green

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